Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The last three and a half weeks could be summarized in one word: wait.

Somewhere in the blur of last week, I started to really think about our home study packet (that hadn't arrived in three weeks) and all of a sudden it dawned on me: this is a spiritual battle. Satan doesn't just concern himself with our prayer time or our Bible study time; he attacks us in whatever areas of our lives that we are choosing to serve God (think about it...why would he care about the areas where we're not serving God?).

I realized that Satan was trying to put up a blockade to prevent our packet from arriving. Why? That one packet represents the first step to bringing home a precious child ~ a journey for which God alone can be given the glory for bringing us through.

By the power of God and the prayers of His people, Satan did not stop things from moving ahead with our adoption. Less than a week after contacting our caseworker (Julie) about the packet, it was in our hands.

Who ever knew that one packet of paper would bring so much joy to our home?

Yes, there is a lot of paperwork to fill out.

Yes, there'll be lots of logistics to figure out in getting certain things done around Caleb's very busy schedule.

Yes, there are things that are not what we expected them to be.

But of this I am certain: in the power of our God, and in His time, we will see a baby become our own and the name of God be glorified.

My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. (Psalm 62:5)

It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. (Lamentations 3:26)


  1. So glad that you received the pkg. so quickly after you contacted the lady again. Praying!
